




從傳奇天團東方神起分手至今,始終有些質疑的聲音:是不是他們三個人和兩個人的分組活動五個人還能像當初那樣成功那樣光芒四射。答案是,當然他們可以的。 JYJ和東方神起(2代)在整個亞洲還是擁有同樣巨大的飯糰,即使他們分成兩組活動。現在,剩下的問題就是他們在音樂上的表現到底有多好了。

今年初,JYJ和東方神起同時發布了新專輯。我厭惡JYJ的The Beginging,尤其是那首亂哄哄的Ayyy Girl.(譯者註:這點我不同意,我還蠻喜歡這首歌的) 但是,對於東方神起的努力我還是欣賞的。說到這裡,這個秋天兩組又同時發布了新曲,第二回開始了。到現在為止,JYJ的新專實在太棒了,讓我非常驚艷!

新專輯的第一首歌是Get Out。鋼琴的前奏部分真是美妙極了,瞬間把你帶入了悲傷的氣氛中,然後有天的低語跟著是俊秀如絲綢一般的歌聲。這首歌可能是我在整張專輯中最愛的曲子,我喜歡它的每一部分。他們三人的和聲是如此強大而和諧。這首歌是一個非常好的開始。

主打歌In Heaven是一首極其優美動聽的歌謠,JYJ用一種原始但是強有即的唱腔來表現,我真的可以一整年都聽這首歌。我知道JYJ的所有成員都才華橫溢,但從這首歌看起來他們有似乎到了一個更高的境界。他們的聲音是完美的。前奏部分讓我想起了B​​igBang的Haru Haru的鋼琴部分。不同的是,這首歌更精簡,聲音和壓抑的樂器配合的跟好。這首歌真是絕對讓人驚嘆的。




儘管IDS(ideal scenario)這歌名讓人有些費解,這首歌又是另一首全壘打(滿分的意思)的舞曲。說它有些奇怪是因為Mission和IDS明明是俱樂部曲風,但它們同時又是壓抑的。它們似乎比通常吵鬧的讓人討厭的Kpop更有所保留。 IDS是迷人的,即使JYJ的聲音被數字化,這也絲毫無損於這首歌曲對我的吸引力。


Pierrot以令人興奮的曲調來完成整張專輯。同樣,我們聽到了很多和聲,它們是如此和諧如此誘人,對於聽眾的耳來說這真是一場盛宴。這首曲子讓我想起了Chris Brown的“永遠”中那浪漫的歌聲和悠揚的電子節拍。 Pierro也同樣讓我想起了B​​ig Bang的“Koe Wo Kikasete",當然它更讓人振奮。

雖然我不一定喜歡"Nine"這首歌第一部分的低音,但如果這個為了突出接下來俊秀的讓瞠目結舌的高八度的段子,那麼這樣的安排是完美的。 Nine是首慢歌,想你呼吸著的新鮮空氣。它的曲調是如此簡單乾淨配合著極少的樂器,突出了成員們的美麗嗓音。雖然,中間的部分有點讓人乏味,但在進入合唱部分後,這種疲乏感馬上消失了。

當JYJ在年初發布音樂書刊“他們的房間”時,無名歌(第一部分)在整個韓國流行樂界引發了極大的爭議。這首歌的歌詞中極其詳細地描述了東方神起分手的時所發生的​​事。這首歌是由有天一人作曲、作詞並製作完成的。除了少量的和聲之外,整首幾乎全是rap。我剛開始聽的時候,雖然完全聽不懂歌詞,也不了解其中的含義,但我仍然可以非常強烈地感受到那種讓人窒息的感情。整首歌曲中滿溢著憤怒、不平和堅定,無論在rap還是在和聲部分都可以感受到這種撲向SM的情感。我個人非常喜愛這首無名歌,它是如此美麗的作品,無論是rap還是和聲都讓人驚嘆。 Utube上有歌詞翻譯,聽眾即使不懂韓文也可以明白其中的含義。

總的來說,今年發布的專輯中沒有一張像JYJ的IN HEAVEN那樣讓我如此滿意的作品。和上一張專輯相比,這次的進步是如此顯著。這張專輯實在太棒了,我現在激動地不知所云。作為從來都稱不上是JYJ或東方神起飯的人來說,我現在已經完全成為他們的飯了。如此強而有力的歌聲,在這張專輯中已充分展示了。


Ever since the, by now, legendary group DBSK broke up, there has been questions about whether either new entities could live up to the success and fame of the original 5-member group. The answer is, of course, yes they can. JYJ and TVXQ still attract the same huge following across Asia even when they’re split in two. Now it’s one thing to wonder whether the new groups can be successful and another to think about how good their music is.
Earlier this year, both entities released new material. I detested JYJ’s album, especially its messy lead single Ayyy Girl while I was absolutely floored by TVXQ’s efforts. With that said, both groups are releasing new material this fall and are preparing for round two. And so far, JYJ is impressing THE HECK out of me with this gorgeous release.

01 Get Out
02 In Heaven (Narr. Kim Jeongeun)
03 낙엽 (Fallen Leaves)
04 소년의 편지 (Boy’s Letter)
05 Mission
06 I.D.S (I Deal Scenario)
07 Pierrot
08 You’re
09 Nine
10 이름 없는 노래(Unnamed Song) PART 1
The first track of the album is Get Out. The piano intro is seriously gorgeous and immediately sets the sorrowful vibe of the song. We get a few words by YooChun before Xiah JunSu’s silky voice comes in. I love everything about this song and it is possibly one of my favorite of the album. The vocals are strong and the song is full of beautiful harmonies. A great start to the album.

The title track In Heaven is a gorgeous ballad featuring one of the rawest and most powerful vocals I’ve heard all year long. I knew that all the members are infinitely talented but it seems that they’ve reached a new high. The group vocalization is perfect. The intro to the song reminds me of the piano structure of Big Bang’s “Haru Haru” without the drums kicking in. Instead, we get a stripped down song with just vocals and low-key instrumentals. It’s absolutely stunning.

Fallen Leaves slows things down even further as if to test the audience’s patience waiting for JYJ’s firecracker dance tracks to pop up. Again, we get nothing but full-scale vocals and just a light and very mellow piano chord. If I thought the vocals in the title track are gorgeous, this one features higher levels of dramatic vocalization especially from Xiah who is just damn moving in this song. His high notes toward the end took away my breath.

The Boy’s Letter is more symphonic than the preceding songs but it packs the same wallop of emotion as the first two. Again, Xiah’s vocals are so strong that it feels I’m just listening to him the whole time.

The next track is an odd and unexpected one because it breaks us from the more emotional spell of the first three. Mission takes the cue from the first three and is a very low-key uptempo tune compared to the bombastic and often very loud dance music we hear. The beat here is so addictive and it’s so simple that it doesn’t distract from the boys’ voices.

Despite it’s onerous title “I.D.S. (I Deal Scenario) is another home-run dance tempo. It’s strange because while both Mission and IDS are clearly meant for the clubs, they also belong among this album’s more low-key tone. They’re held back than the usual loud and obnoxious tunes that K-pop produces constantly. I.D.S. is charming and even when they’re voice is digitalized, it doesn’t ruin the charms of the song for me.

You’re is much more uplifting than the first five. It’s so charming and appealing but like the first four, the vocals here are stupendous. There’s an ethereal feel to the tune during the verses and then becomes more uptempo as the chorus kicks in. It’s a filler track, sure, but it’s still better than what most K-pop acts release as a lead single.

Pierrot is an exciting tune to finish out the album. Again, we get lots of group vocalizations and harmonization that are enticing and just plain damn gorgeous to the ears. It has flashes of Chris Brown’s “Forever” with its romantic vocalization and the laid back electronic beat. It also reminds me of Big Bang’s “Koe Wo Kikasete” except much more upbeat than them.

Though I didn’t necessarily like how low the vocals of the first verse were in NINE, if the point was to highlight how awesome JunSu’s voice is at a higher octave, then they were perfect. NINE is a slower-paced track that is kind of a breath of fresh air. It’s clean and simple with minimal instrumentals that really pronounce the vocals. Though it can get a little bit tiresome halfway through, the bridge changes things up before transitioning back into the chorus.

When released on JYJ’s previous album “In Their Rooms” Unnamed Song Part 1 was one of the most controversial topics in the KPop sphere. The lyrics of the song describe in extreme detail what occurred with the whole breaking up of DBSK/TVXQ issue。Written, composed, and produced by JYJ’s YooChoon, the song is all rap except for the chorus sung by JunSu. When I first heard this song, even without understanding the meanings of the lyrics, I could strongly feel the overwhelming emotions poured into the song.It’s highly apparent in both the raps and the vocals that this song is basically an outburst towards SM. The entire song embodies resentment, anger, and determination. I personally love this song because it is beautifully crafted and both the vocals and raps are amazing. The Utube clip above has English translations so that you can follow along.

Overall, I have not been as satisfied with an album this year as I have been with this one. JYJ seriously stepped up from their last effort and I’m still reeling from how amazing this whole album was. As someone who has never really been a huge fan of JYJ or TVXQ, I was totally converted with this. This is some powerful voices and it’s on full display in this album.


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