-- 首先,這篇文章不是我寫的,我只是在JYJ3 的網站上看到了這篇評論,有些的有趣的部分,翻譯出來給大家分享一下。
-- 寫這評論的人應該是老外,看起來不是完全的飯,她寫的對於Ayyy Girl的部分,我也不太贊同。當然,無疑我更喜歡這張專輯。所以大家要是不同意她說的,可以到原文那裡留下你們的評論(第一樓有鏈接),請不要責怪我這個翻譯的人。我說過了,我也不太贊同她寫的有些東西。
-- 翻譯這篇文章的目的,這是想讓大家看看,普通人的角度對Get out MV的評價,也是很有意思的。 首先我也要說, 那也都不是我說的, 是譯者說的!!
原文地址: http://seoulbeats.com/2011/09/jyj-get-out-music-video-released/
老實說,要讓一個MV成功並不是難事。你不需要一個複雜的故事,也不需要一個充滿莫名焦慮的迷你韓劇。不需要華而不實的燈飾,慢動作的攝像效果,破舊的古希臘的前景,奇怪的CGI特效,也不需要超現實主義的某種半神化的東西。好吧,我們都知道我在說什麼。但在這個製作得很好的MV之後,我可以向你保證,所有的“Ayyy Girl”MV該給我帶來的鬱悶終於可以消散了。
在這首舞曲的3:40處,場景的色調是如此華麗,燈光的很炫,然後是快速的Gaussian模糊處理,效果絕美。這種不飽和角度的處理讓我聯想到了Brown Eyed Girl 的““Abracadabra”,這是另一個我很喜歡的MV。編舞是簡單緊湊的,跳的也很好,看著這個MV感覺讓這首歌更上一層樓了。
人人都說一個好的MV,可以彌補任何歌曲的不足,不管這話聽上去有多不像話。這是一個例子。這不是說“get out ”是糟糕的,它是一很好的歌,特別是和時下Kpop如此熱衷於發布的那些平庸作品相比。但你不能否認這樣一個好的MV讓這首歌在人們腦海中留下了持久的印象。在Kpop審美觀裡,好的編舞幾乎和好的音樂同樣重要。讓我們承認吧,我們聽音樂同樣也看音樂。我的意思是,有誰可以聽得“Sorry, Sorry” 而不想到它那招牌的勾手動作。有誰可以聽“Ayyy Girl”,而沒有想到那個MV的每個動作? 。基本上,一個好的MV可以使一個平庸的歌曲體面。而在“Get out”這個例子中,MV使一首好歌變得非凡。
Beautifully shot, beautifully choreographed, and more than anything, beautifully styled boys. In suits. Say all you want about suits being overdone and generic, but they’re overdone and generic for a reason.
Honestly, the formula to a successful music video isn’t that hard. You don’t need an elaborate story line, or a mini KDrama angst fest. You also don’t need to have flashy lighting, slow-motion camera effects, dilapidated ancient Greek foregrounds, questionable CGI effects, or have your subjects painted as surreal demi-gods of some sort. Okay, we all know what I’m getting at. But after this good job of an MV, I can assure you all the “Ayy Girl” music video cracks will decrease significantly.
As previously mentioned, this music video is impeccably shot. The camera work here is stellar- zooming, tilting, and shaking, all in time with the music itself. Seriously, in the scenes with Jaejoong clutching the fencing, he looks absolutely feral, in the best way possible.
In that dance break at around 3:40 the coloring is absolutely gorgeous, the lighting is absolutely gorgeous, and the rapid Gaussian blurring is absolutely gorgeous. The unsaturated angle they seem to be getting at is reminiscent of the Brown Eyed Girl‘s “Abracadabra,” which is another music video I adored. The choreography is simply really tight and well done in general, you can tell it is because watching it really brings the song up a notch.
They say that a good music video can amend any song, no matter how atrocious it is. This is an example of that. Not saying that “Get Out” is an atrocious song, it’s a perfectly decent song if anything, especially considering the uninspired dribble Kpop seems so keen on releasing nowadays. But you can not deny that the MV definitely allows the song to leave a lasting impression in your mind. Especially with that choreography in tow. The aesthetic side of Kpop is almost as important as the musical side of it. Let’s face it, we see music just as much as we hear it. I mean, who can listen to “Sorry Sorry” without having that signature hook move come to mind? Who can listen to “Ayy Girl” without visualizing that lulz worthy music video every step of the way? (Actually, who can listen to Ayy Girl in general? – I promise, last Ayy Girl joke for now). Basically, a good music video can make a mediocre song decent, and in the case of “Get Out,” it can make a good song, phenomenal.And to make amends with Yoochun for previously calling him more or less a middle-aged man, I have to say that the hair cut is a job well done. See what a good haircut does Yoochun? Meet me at that shifty alleyway Jaejoong was angsting in.